Pombo Statement on Prudhoe Bay Supply Disruption

Date: Sept. 8, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Pombo Statement on Prudhoe Bay Supply Disruption

House Resources Committee Chairman Richard W. Pombo (R-Calif.) issued the following statement with regard to BP Alaska's planned shutdown in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

"The supply disruption in Prudhoe Bay is going to have serious ramifications for my constituents and all West coast consumers in the coming days and weeks," Chairman Pombo said. "Unfortunately, motorists can expect even more increases in the already-high price at the pump, and should plan to conserve fuel or take alternative means of travel if possible. In the meantime, I urge BP to dedicate the full-breadth of its resources to make repairs and return these critical pipelines to safe service as soon as humanly possible.

"Supply disruptions are only serious when supply itself is very limited and demand is high," Chairman Pombo continued. "That's exactly why this disruption could have dire consequences for my constituents in California and all consumers on the West coast: outdated federal laws have red-taped this country into dangerous supply-shortage vulnerabilities and many in Congress have willfully and repeatedly refused to do anything about it. This disruption is yet another stark reminder that America needs more American energy."

