Shuster, Top Ranking General Tour Letterkenny, Discuss LEAD'S Future

Date: Aug. 14, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Shuster, Top Ranking General Tour Letterkenny, Discuss LEAD'S Future

Washington, DC - Congressman Bill Shuster and General Benjamin Griffin, Commander of Army Materiel, toured Letterkenny Army Depot (LEAD) today and discussed Letterkenny's future workload. General Griffin oversees all of the Army's depots as part of his mission to ensure the readiness of America's warfighter.

"During today's tour I spoke to General Griffin about Letterkenny and its future with the United States Army," said Shuster, a member of the Armed Services Committee in Congress. "I encouraged General Griffin to continue expanding Letterkenny's workload because the depot has demonstrated to the Army that it can get the job done for our men and women in uniform."

Today's tour included the HUMVEE line at Letterkenny Army Depot as well as its partnership program with Lockheed Martin, just one of many working relationships LEAD has engaged in with defense contractors and community partners. General Griffin has encouraged depots across the country to work with private sector companies to explore new opportunities, and he emphasized that Letterkenny has excelled in this aspect. These tours provide Letterkenny officials and workers with a chance to display its work performance to senior Pentagon officials such as General Griffin.

Congressman Shuster and General Griffin were briefed on a variety of missions at LEAD, including production capacity and efficiency. During the tour of the Lockheed Martin partnership program, General Griffin highlighted the importance of this working relationship for the future of Letterkenny.

"As a member of the Armed Services Committee I meet with military personnel and defense contractors to discuss the best ways to meet the Army's needs," said Shuster. "I always encourage and promote central and western Pennsylvania because of the close proximity to Washington and the quality workforce available to employers."

For more information on Army Materiel Command and Letterkenny's Shingo Prize, please visit
