Lucas Disappointed in USDA Disaster Assistance Plan

Date: Aug. 29, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Lucas Disappointed in USDA Disaster Assistance Plan

Washington, D.C.- U.S. Third District Congressman Frank Lucas made the following statement in reaction to USDA's announcement today of a drought assistance package for agriculture producers:

"Although I'm pleased to hear that the Secretary seems to understand that the need for drought disaster assistance exists, his proposal falls about $3 billion short of what is needed now for America's producers of food and fiber to our nation.

"My drought disaster assistance will provide more than four times the assistance that this USDA plan will provide, with an estimated $3.3 billion in drought and disaster assistance for producers. I'm working to get my bill passed in the House and Senate, so that we can get these dollars to the producers who need them.

"Most distressing about the USDA plan is that the bulk of the funding will come from counter-cyclical payments, which aren't available to our wheat producers, who have the largest dollar losses in our state. Wheat producers won't see a dollar of this assistance, and that is unacceptable.

"Mr. Secretary, I'm glad we both agree the problem exists. But now it's time to back up our words with real action. We need a disaster assistance program that will provide real relief for producers struggling to keep their farms and avoid foreclosure."
