McMinnville Southern Standard - Ford Campaigns for Low Gas Prices, Securing Borders

Date: Aug. 16, 2006
Location: McMinnville, TN
Issues: Oil and Gas

McMinnville Southern Standard - Ford Campaigns for Low Gas Prices, Securing Borders

By Duane Sherrill

Saying he would debate his Republican opponent anytime, anywhere, Democratic senatorial hopeful Harold Ford Jr., issued his challenge before hundreds of supporters who braved the heat Friday to meet the West Tennessee congressman.

"If you see Bob Corker, tell him I'm looking for him," Ford told supporters at the rally held outside Morton's Horticultural on Smithville Highway. "I don't care where it is. I'll meet him in Knoxville, I'll meet him in Chattanooga. Hey, I'll meet him right here on the back of this flatbed truck if that's what it takes."

The stop was one of many for the Ford campaign bus which pulled into the packed parking lot around 4 p.m. to throngs of adoring supporters who waved signs and swarmed the candidate, not only for handshakes, but also for autographs.

Ford, standing on stage backed by Democrats Lincoln Davis and Charles Curtiss, told the audience he plans to change the way things are done in Washington.

"America not only needs to change, it needs to get better," Ford said. "I'll stand up for the values I learned in church and growing up in this great state. I promise to make you proud every day I'm there."

Ford pointed out he is anything but the liberal being painted by the Corker campaign, noting he is against gay marriage, for gun owners' rights, against abortion on demand, and is for display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings.

Ford said his opponent is also attacking who he is related to, specifically his uncle, Memphis lawmaker John Ford, who has had brushes with the law.

"I can't control the people I'm related to," Ford said. "Unless someone has the recipe for picking family then they need to be quiet."

Ford said the battleground issues of the campaign are terrorism, jobs, gas prices and immigration.

"We have over 5,700 miles of unprotected borders and if I'm a terrorist, I'm probing the border trying to find the easiest way in," Ford said, noting his opponent has hired illegal immigrants in the past. "President Bush needs to give up on his amnesty plan and work on securing our borders."

In the area of jobs, Ford said he wants to encourage companies to stay in the United States to provide jobs.

"We need to stop giving tax breaks to businesses who ship jobs overseas," Ford said. "The tax breaks belong to businesses who stay here and provide jobs to our people.

"Costs have gone up but wages have stayed the same. I'm tired of seeing costs rising and a tank of gas rising out of control when Exxon oil is giving $410 million retirement packages to executives."

In closing, Ford asked his supporters to help take his message to their neighbors, telling them he will win on the issues and not to believe the falsehoods being spread by his opponent.

"I want you all to stand up for me," Ford said. "If the Republicans can defend someone like Dick Cheney then I know you can defend me."

Ford's campaign noted they would be happy to make Warren County one of the debate stops if Corker will accept the challenge.
