Chocola Votes to Protect Pledge of Allegiance

Date: July 19, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

Chocola Votes to Protect Pledge of Allegiance
Bill Would Prevent Activist Judges from Removing "Under God"

Congressman Chocola voted today to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from attacks by left-wing groups and activist judges who want to remove the words, "Under God." Chocola was a co-sponsor of the bill that would remove jurisdiction over the Pledge from federal courts.

"For years, students, soldiers and citizens all over America have recited the Pledge of Allegiance proudly," Chocola said. "It is wrong for these radical groups to try to censor the Pledge and change it to suit their narrow interests. The fact that we are One Nation, Under God is a principle that our country was founded on, and this bill will ensure that the American people are still free to say so."

The Pledge Protection Act would prevent legal challenges to the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance, such as the suit filed in California to remove the words, "Under God," based on the claim that they violate the Separation of Church and State clause of the Constitution.
