Shaw Campaign Airs Social Security Ads

Date: Aug. 9, 2006
Location: Boca Raton, FL

Shaw Campaign Airs Social Security Ads

The following statement is from Shaw's Campaign Manager, Larry Casey:

"For nearly a decade, Clay Shaw has been a leading voice on Social Security reform in the U.S. House of Representatives. During his Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, Clay Shaw developed a plan that has been embraced by South Florida voters because it saves Social Security for all time.

"Shaw's Social Security Guarantee Plus plan does not privatize the system, does not increase taxes, does not raise the retirement age, and absolutely does not cut benefits.

"Unfortunately, Ron Klein and his friends are resorting to scare tactics instead of being honest with voters or offering their own reform plan. On May 23, 2005, Ron Klein promised voters of the 22nd Congressional District that he would outline his own reform plan after studying the issue (Palm Beach Post, 05/23/05). He reiterated his promise again to unveil his plan nearly sixty days ago at a news conference in South Florida (Palm Beach Post, 6/14/06).

"All together, we have waited 450 days, and counting, for the "plan" Klein has promised. Ron Klein is quick with the rhetorical tongue, but falls short of delivering his promises.

"Ron Klein and some left-wing groups are running a strategy of misinformation by suggesting that Clay Shaw supports the Bush Social Security plan. This is completely false. Congressman Shaw strongly opposes any effort to privatize Social Security and has strongly disagreed with the President on his approach to save Social Security."
