Honoring Tim Friedman

Date: July 27, 2006
Location: Washington, DC



Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to join the gentlewoman from California in acknowledging and honoring our friend, Tim Friedman, for all his 30-plus years of service to the House of Representatives.

I have been here now 10 years, Mr. Speaker, and I can you I have asked a great deal of Mr. Friedman, how to get from place to place, what the votes are going to be, asking him his advice on all kinds of family matters, frankly, to whether to go home for that soccer game or that school play. And he always gave me the right answer: Go home and be with your kids, and we will take care of the institution.

Mr. Friedman has been an exemplary servant to this institution and to this country. And for 30-plus years of service, I want to thank him and his family for all of the sacrifice that he has expended on behalf of our country.

I want to say one other word. Tim is part of a team on our side of the aisle that makes our work possible. I know on the other side of the aisle there is a terrific team of people helping our friends on the other side of the aisle. So Tim represents the finest in public service, and I want to wish him and his family a wonderful retirement, and from the bottom of my heart, Tim, a sincere and grateful thank you for all you have done for me and for the Democratic Party, for the Democrats here, for the United States Congress and the people of this country.

Thank you, Tim Friedman.


