Rep. Gohmert Votes to Protect the Tradition of Marriage


U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (TX-01) voted today in favor of the Marriage Protection Amendment. A co-sponsor of this legislation, Gohmert defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman in the U.S. Constitution.

The bill text is drafted to ensure that the democratic process at the state level will decide the allocation of the benefits and privileges traditionally associated with marriage, not unelected activist judges.

"Today's vote shows that our nation recognizes the importance of preserving our tradition of marriage," said Gohmert. "Passing a constitutional amendment is a daunting task, but protecting the socially indispensable institution of marriage requires it. I am extremely concerned about how activists use the courts to legislate on something that has been a settled issue in American law for more than 200 years. Also, there is a vast amount of evidence proving this union is by far the best environment for raising children and that a large majority of Americans want it protected from activist judges. It is a shame that judges have legislated their own morals which now has made this action necessary. If this is not eventually passed, then at some point a state will likely be forced to accept a Massachusetts marriage that it has no desire to accept under the Constitution's ‘full faith and credit' requirement.

Because this legislation would amend the Constitution it required more than a simple majority of the House to pass, it required two-thirds of the votes which was not received, even with majority support but this is another move up from the votes last time. The final vote was 236 - 187.

"If the voters will send a few more members of Congress who believe in the traditional institution of marriage, we may get it passed next time." Gohmert added.
