Celebrating Jesus' Birthday

Date: Dec. 12, 2005
Issues: Taxes

Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 06:55:43 -0500
Subject: Celebrating Jesus' Birthday
From: June Griffin jb21@juno.com

Since everyone does what is right in his own eyes, I have decided to celebrate Jesus' birthday December 15, Bill of Rights Day.

This other day is a confusion ranging from Romanism to the ACLU and Title 42.

I think this other day is much more appropriate, for it is full of the Promise of the Father which gave me such liberty. The Trinity vs. USA case in 1892 testified that Jesus is the Saviour of the United States and I personally think that Bill of Rights Day is much more like Him than the confusion which has come from multiculturalism.

Patrick Henry looks more like Jesus than Santa Claus and the "government was on his shoulders," like His Lord. We know that Saint Nick was the Patron Saint of the Thieves, but Patrick Henry left us an everlasting blessing in his will that virtually personified the Son of God.

The present I will give to the Lord (for the wise men brought gifts to Him, not to each other!!!) is my labor and treasure in the gathering of patriots at the Bill of Rights Banquet this Thursday night. The tree of righteousness will be the American flag to which we will pledge allegiance, decorated in the hope of God's Promise of Restoration. The vindication of lies told by atheist presses about the life of Benjamin Franklin and the turning back to the God of our Fathers will feed those who sit at this table. The dinner of honor for Jesus will gather together the family of God who has been scattered and persecuted by IRS, ACLU, BATF, and other leeches whose jobs and insurance coverage is extorted from the patriotic people. There will be no complaining about the gifts, no worn-out parents, no alcohol, no mistletoe sins, no flirting with other people's spouses, no hangovers. or leftover debt. The carols to be sung include such anthems as My Country, 'Tis of Thee.

Who will join us?

June Griffin

