Commending and Supporting Radio Al Mahaba

Date: July 18, 2006
Location: Washington, DC



Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H. Res. 784, which commends and supports Radio Al Mahaba, Iraq's first and only radio station for women.

In the midst of all the bad news coming out of Iraq, it is important that we recognize one of the positive developments there. Radio Al Mahaba provides a unique service to the citizens of Iraq, particularly the women. It allows Iraqi women to express their opinions about issues important to them, including women's rights.

For Iraq to have any kind of future, there must be full participation and equal treatment under the law for women in Iraq. The voices of Iraqi women must be heard in all levels of government, the private sector, in schools, and in the media. I am pleased that today this body officially goes on the record in support of these efforts.

However, we should not stop here. We must continue to encourage the leadership in Iraq to protect the rights of women, particularly in the amendment process for the constitution. Iraqi women and men should be guaranteed equality in the constitution to ensure that women will never become second-class citizens. Both women and men should have the right to vote, access to equal opportunities, and equal treatment under the law. I am particularly concerned that final language in the constitution could limit women's rights, including in matters such as divorce, child custody, and inheritance.

I have introduced legislation, H.R. 5548, the ``Empowerment of Iraqi Women Act of 2006,'' which would establish an Iraqi Women's Fund to help Iraqi women and girls in the areas of political, legal, and human rights, health care, education, training, security, and shelter, and it would authorize $22,500,000 in each fiscal year 2007, 2008, and 2009 for this fund. I have met with several delegations of Iraqi women during my trips to Iraq and here in Washington. I am always inspired by their strength and courage to speak out in support of equality, even in the face of danger. While these women have hope, they understand that the future is very uncertain.

I know my colleagues join me in expressing our strong support and solidarity with the women of Iraq as they fight for the rights to which they are entitled. I urge a ``yes'' vote on this important resolution.

