McCarthy Welcomes Common Cause's Support For Redistricting Reform Plan

Date: Feb. 17, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

McCarthy Welcomes Common Cause's Support For Redistricting Reform Plan

Movement for fair, non-partisan reapportionment gains momentum

For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Morgan Crinklaw
(916) 319-2032

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Assembly Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, of Bakersfield, today welcomed the support of Common Cause for his plan to take the politics out of California's redistricting process.

"With Common Cause joining the governor and me in our redistricting reform movement, Californians are one step closer to having a fair, non-partisan reapportionment system," McCarthy said. "Our common cause is simple - a system in which political district lines are drawn to strengthen voting rights, not to lengthen political careers."

McCarthy said his reform measure, ACA 3X, is being amended to include recommendations made by Common Cause and others. The amendments revise the system for creating a pool of retired judges, and increase the number of judges selected from that pool to oversee redistricting.

The measure, which is part of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's reform agenda, would take redistricting away from the politicians and would put it in the hands of this bipartisan panel of five retired judges who have no personal stake in the elections.

"I am always looking for ways to bring more accountability to our government, and this reform will do just that," McCarthy said. "This agreement is about good government - taking power out of the hands of the politicians and giving it to the people."

Common Cause is a non-profit organization founded in 1970 to advocate for the rights of citizens in the political process. It has nearly 300,000 members and supporters in 38 states. In addition to supporting McCarthy's redistricting plan in California, the group is planning a nationwide effort for redistricting reform.
