U.S. Representative Maxine Waters to House Republicans, Bring Voting Rights Act to the Floor for a Vote Today! Delay is Inexcusable!

Date: June 21, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Maxine Waters to House Republicans, Bring Voting Rights Act to the Floor for a Vote Today! Delay is Inexcusable!

United States Representative Maxine Waters (CA-35), a Member of the House Judiciary Committee, today expressed her disappointment with House Republicans for allowing reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act to be hijacked by a handful of their members from Southern states. Ms. Waters released the following statement:

The notion that a handful of Republicans from Southern states can rally enough support to hijack reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act is a slap in the face to the civil rights pioneers after which this legislation is named—Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King. This delay is inexcusable.

The nine Southern states that receive extra scrutiny under Section 5 of the VRA are states where minorities still report serious and intentionally manufactured barriers to voting.

This move should really make African-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans and other people whose communities continue to be intimidated and bullied on election day question how seriously the Republican party takes their right to vote.

Out of respect for Ms. Hamer, Ms. Parks, and Ms. King and the sacrifices made by these venerable women, the Republican Leadership in the House has a moral obligation to bring this bill to the floor today. We must vote on it, and pass it without amendments that will erode the progress that has been made to protect the voting rights of all Americans.

