Wexler Introduces Medicare Part D Deadline Equality Act

Date: June 15, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Wexler Introduces Medicare Part D Deadline Equality Act

Legislation Would Guarantee Equal Treatment to All Seniors Who Applied for Low-Income Subsidy Assistance Under Medicare Part D

Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) introduced the Medicare Part D Deadline Equality Act of 2006, which would guarantee equal treatment for all seniors who applied for the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program under Medicare Part D. Under current law, seniors who receive notification that they are qualified for LIS assistance from the Social Security Administration (SSA) after the May 15 enrollment deadline will not be penalized for late enrollment in the drug program and will be given a one-time special enrollment period ending on November 15, 2006 to sign up. Conversely, those seniors who are denied LIS assistance and did not sign up for a prescription drug plan will be unable to sign up until the next enrollment period and subjected to a one percent per month lifetime penalty on their premiums for each month they defer enrollment. Wexler's legislation would reconcile this unjust disparity in treatment by guaranteeing that that all seniors who applied for LIS assistance and who received notification after May 15 are still eligible to choose a plan during this special enrollment period without a penalty.

"The Republican Prescription Drug program under Medicare continues to shortchange millions of American seniors who are suffering the consequences of this disastrous law. It is essential that Congress take immediate action to extend the Medicare Part D enrollment deadline and address serious inequities in this flawed program. Additionally, Congress should move swiftly to assist low-income seniors, who were encouraged by the Administration to seek LIS assistance and are now being unfairly subjected to a stiff penalty under the new Medicare drug law. This unjust disparity must be reconciled and all seniors who have sought LIS assistance should be treated equally and fairly. The unfortunate fact, however, is President Bush and GOP leaders in Congress are only concerned with maximizing profits of pharmaceutical companies and HMO's rather than fixing these glaringly obvious disparities that are hurting America's seniors," Wexler said.

