Bush Finally Admits He was Responsible for False Claims that Led to War in Iraq

Date: July 30, 2003
Location: Washington, DC

After weeks and weeks of cover-ups, denials and falsely placing blame on others, President Bush today finally admitted that he was personally responsible for his false statements in the State of the Union speech on Iraq's imminent nuclear threat, which partly led to a war in Iraq and the deaths of too many young American citizens.

But I ask, why is he changing his story now? Are his poll numbers going down? Why, after weeks of denying, has this President done a complete flip-flop and now admits he told the country something that was completely false in order to go to war?

If the President thinks this will end the controversy, he's completely wrong. It only raises more questions about what kind of cover-up has gone on inside the White House in the last few weeks in order to try to shield the President from facing culpability. And why now is the President changing his story? The American people won't accept this.

I believe a bipartisan Congressional investigation into the manipulation of intelligence data that led to a war in Iraq is warranted now, more than ever. Besides President Bush's false uranium claim, there is compelling evidence that other intelligence was manipulated and cherry-picked by this White House and we need to get to the bottom of this.
