Putting People Before Profits

Date: Sept. 23, 2005
Location: New Castle, IN
Issues: Conservative

Putting People Before Profits

Barry Welsh addresses attendees of the 2005 Henry County JJ Dinner

Honorable State Senator Young, Honorable Representative Pflum, Mister Mayor, State Chairman Parker, Honorable elected Officials, County Chairpersons and officials, Mister County Chairman Clark, Madam Vice Dever, Central Committee Members, Precinct and Polling Workers, Fellow Proud Democrats, I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for your service to your towns, your COUNTY, your state, your party, and your nation. Give yourselves a round of applause, you deserve it. And thank you for allowing me a few minutes to speak to you this evening.

First, I would like to introduce my lovely wife Sherri.

The first rule of public speaking is that you should start out with a joke to put everyone at ease, so here is one of my favorites:

George W. Bush is the most giving, compassionate, intelligent, caring, in touch, uniting, President we have ever had! (LAUGH)

I just crack myself up with that one!

Unfortunately Our President is anything but what I just said. He is the most divisive, self-serving, dis-engaged from reality, and untruthful President we have ever had.

One of the signs of Leadership is taking responsibility when things go wrong. I have made mistakes in my life, taken responsibility, learned from them, and grew from them. You take responsibility when it is warranted, not when public opinion polls force you into it.

Responsibility is for others if you are a Radical Neo Conservative Republican. For those that might not know what a radical neoconservative republican is, here are three examples, President Bush, Congressman Tom Delay who has many friends under indictment, and who^-s ethics have always been questioned, and our current representative, Congressman Pence, who leads the conservative movement in the House.

Washington Post reported, DeLay "held a news conference in his office and asserted that, "we're not reexaiming the commitment to extend the tax cuts. That's not an option." Then for emphasis, added, "Not an option."

This means the richest 1% of Americans are protected at any cost while those that suffer do so without a voice or assistance, I am a Christian, and this attitude is not Christian

CONGRESS MAN Pence is behind "Operation Offset," a set of broad benefits cuts proposed this week by the so called House conservatives. The Navy Times reported yesterday that those cuts "include trimming military quality-of-life programs, including health care." while "the stateside system of elementary and secondary schools for military family members could be closed.

That's Congressman Pence^-s answer to the debt they have created. Penalize the military and public education, along with the elderly and the poor, I respect those with different spiritual views, but I am a Christian and this attitude The neoconservatives have is NOT Christian.

Our current congressman is nothing more than a rubber stamp for this President, and for the Congressman's mentor Tom Delay.

I was urged to launch a "Testing the waters" campaign under Federal Election Guidelines, and I have been speaking from Wells County in the North, to Decatur County in the South, and from Union County in the East, to Madison County in the West.

I have tested the waters and the support grows daily.

I am here because soon I will be formally announcing my intention to seek the democratic nomination to replace Congressman Mike Pence in the 6th District.

It is time to borrow a term from Donald Trump and tell Mr. Pence, "You're Fired."

It is time for Americans all across our land, led by Democrats, to Tell ALL of the Radical neoconservative Republicans, ENOUGH.

I have had ENOUGH. Enough three dollar gasoline, enough mismanagement, enough DEBT, enough dishonesty, enough of the blame game, enough of the political spin, enough of the oil men, and ENOUGH of them abusing the name of God, and claiming Christianity in name while displaying a total disregard for humanity in action. I have had ENOUGH.

If you have had ENOUGH, say it with me, ENOUGH!

One more time, louder, ENOUGH!

Doesn't that feel good? Get ready to shout it for the next thirteen months.

It is time to Pull the curtain back on The Wizard of Oz Government we currently suffer with, and say what? ENOUGH!

That's right! ENOUGH!

I am here, because the American Dream has been crushed, stolen by those that cannot satisfy their greed, and do not want others to have anything, let alone equality. To them, it is time to say ENOUGH!

When I was growing up, if a kid was getting out of high school but didn^-t want to go to College, like maybe some of you here tonight, there were lots and lots of choices. One could go to a factory, or get a skilled trade, or start a business, or any number of things to make good money, have nice things and achieve The American Dream.

Those Opportunities no longer exist. They have been outsourced and we have been told it is for our own good. It is for their own good, it is part of the Radical neoconservative Republican agenda, it is not for the good of the average American. And it is time to say ENOUGH.

NAFTA, CAFTA, how much more of the SHAFTA do we HAVETA take? It is time to say ENOUGH.

The American Dream is now the American Nightmare, with the gap between prosperity and poverty growing ever wider, and those that have the wealth, prove their greed by wanting to kill Social Security, by wanting to scrap Medicaid and Medicare.

Congressman Pence has publicly suggested paying for part of the massive debt that they have created by cutting the benefits of the elderly, and making life even tougher for those that struggle and rely on social benefits for survival. It is time we told Congressman Pence, ENOUGH.

These neoconservative Radical Republicans say they are for Tax Breaks. Tax breaks for Paris Hilton, and tax breaks for Halliburton, but it is at the expense of average American's and it is time we said ENOUGH

It is time that we put people before profits. And that is going to be the theme of our congressional campaign.

Three simple words, "People before Profits."

Let me make it clear, there is nothing wrong with profits, and nothing wrong with good American Corporations like we have here in Henry County, one example being Draper's in Spiceland.

It is the obvious greed and manipulation of the special interests and those in their pocket that I have a problem with. One of Congressman Pence's donors is Rolls Royce, how average American is that? He is going to be answering to Rolls Royce, not to you and me.

We must put People Before Profits, and that includes and especially applies to War.

The war in Iraq is about oil, instigated by oilmen, George W Bush, Dick Cheney and Mike Pence. Congressman Pence's family owned Kiel Brothers Oil. He is an oilman too--do not forget that. As long as we have oilmen in power, gas prices will rise. It is time we said ENOUGH

We now know Iraq is about Oil.

We should have been in Afghanistan in full force trying to find Osama Bin Ladin, and we should have NEVER been distracted.

Now WE have to ask ourselves if they even want to find Bin Ladin, or does the Bush family owe his family too much? What other reason could there be? Bin Ladin is proudly responsible for attacking our country and killing our people, and that is the only reason we should ever go to war. But we invaded Iraq based on lies, and death of American youth is the consequence. We obtained the military objective in Iraq, and since that time it is all political.

And it is time to say ENOUGH!

It is also time for Democrats to come out of the shadows and be proud of what our party stands for. And that starts with us. I know what it is like to lose a job and not have unemployment insurance, I know what it is like to be sick and not have health insurance. And I will represent those people. It is time that the medication taker had a voice in Washington, not just the medication makers.

I know that Democrats care about the people, and The Neo Conservative Radical Republicans care only about their wallet. Hurricane Katrina sadly made that obvious to most people.

We need to be proud we are Democrats. If you are proud to be a Democrat, let me hear you say YEAH!

I am a Democrat because of what Thomas Jefferson believed. He said "Equal treatment for all, Special treatment for none." That is what America should be. That is what America was supposed to be, and that is what I would like to see America become once again.

We have too many self servants and not enough public servants in our government.

The Radical Neo Conservatives try to make public a bad word. Public Schools for example. No Child Left Behind was just the beginning of the massive bunk coming from The Neo Conservatives and their radical agenda.

They prefer to privatize. All private means is divisive, it means they don't want us there.

We live in a Republic, not a Reprivate.

Social Security should be untouchable by those that want to strip it. IT is a safety net for those in need, not an IRA for those with greed.

We are told what is good for us, not represented.

We are dictated to, not listened to.

It is time to put the Public back in Republic.

I am going to stand up to The Washington Insiders, I am going to challenge the Radical Neo Conservative Republican Machine not because I am special, but because I am one of you, and will represent all of you, but you must stand with me.

We all have to work for it, or we all lose too, too much.

President John F Kennedy's words are just as inspiring and applicable now as they were 40 years ago when he said

The energy, the faith, the devotion, which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow of that fire can truly light the world. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history as the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth and lead the land we love, asking his blessings and his help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

I ask you to join me and let's start working toward Putting People Before Profits.

I need your help. I need volunteers and I need you to spread the word, and we are going to need funding. I am taking contributions, I am asking for hosts for fundraisers.

And one of our fund raising efforts is through a plan called Sustaining Members, that Julia Carson, Baron Hill, and I are using. You have the forms in front of you, STAND UP WITH ME. I am asking each Democrat to give 10 dollars a month, or more or less, as you can afford it, don't give till it hurts, give till you feel better, but you must give. It must start NOW, it must start tonight. The forms explain everything.

I am also asking for you to get others to give.

I am asking for your support in speaking out, your support in voting, your support in giving your time, and in giving your contributions.

My name is Barry Welsh, and I passionately believe together we can make a difference.

May God Have Mercy on The United States of America, and may He Bless each of you. Thank You.

