Speaker Hastert's Remarks at Luncheon Honoring Israeli Prime Minister

Date: May 24, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Speaker Hastert's Remarks at Luncheon Honoring Israeli Prime Minister

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) today made the following comments at a luncheon in honor of Ehud Olmert, prime minister of Israel:

"It's an honor to be here this afternoon. Prime Minister Olmert, I would like to welcome you to the House of Representatives and to our nation on your first official visit to the United States.

Our nations have a rich, shared history. And we are pleased to have you with us today to build on that trusted friendship and to connect over our common goals for peace, stability, and increased democracy in the Middle East.

America is seeking to defeat those who kill and maim for radical and Islamic Jihad and those who seek to destroy our way of life. It is a battle we intend to win. And it's a battle in which we value the critical partnership of Israel.

Our vision of a world with peace, democracy, free commerce and free ideas is the same vision we share for the Middle East.

Already, we are seeing the fruits of our efforts. Elections have been held in Afghanistan and democracy is taking firm hold.

This weekend in Iraq we saw the completion of the first full democratically-elected unity government - an established democracy that by its mere existence has already, and it is our hope will forever, alter the political landscape in the region.

Still, we know that there is much left for America and Israel to do.

Yesterday, this House of Representatives passed legislation that will restrict U.S. funding to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority until Hamas abandons terrorism and accepts the existence of Israel.

Let me make my views clear: to be credible, a Palestinian government is one that can and will stop terrorism against Israel.

We can achieve a peaceful Middle East. But it will take committed leaders and cooperation from every person in this room.

And so I want to welcome you again, Mr. Prime Minister, as well as the entire Israeli delegation. The United States will continue to work with you and do our part to win this fight.

And now, I would like to welcome our honored guest to make some remarks . . . Please welcome Prime Minister Olmert."

