Speaker Hastert Praises House Passage of ANWR "Why obstruct lower energy costs for the American Family?"

Date: May 25, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Speaker Hastert Praises House Passage of ANWR "Why obstruct lower energy costs for the American Family?"

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) today made the following comments regarding the passage of House legislation to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and eventually help lower energy costs in America:

"Yet again, House Republicans have voted in favor of opening ANWR and relieving energy costs for the American people. Allowing this land to be opened will allow American ingenuity and American technology to produce energy safely, protect the environment, and strengthen our national security.

"I'm disappointed House Democrats voted AGAINST this important legislation, and voted AGAINST lowering gas prices for the American people. Today, Democrats again missed a chance to support the opening of ANWR. If Democrats spent as much time voting for solutions to our energy problems as they do giving lip service to the American people, we'd already enjoy lower gas prices."

"I have to ask: why would you choose to obstruct lowering energy costs for the American family?"

