Wexler: GOP's Shameful Ploy to Keep Big Oil Happy Comes At the Expense Of Sending Our Kids to College

Date: May 5, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Wexler: GOP's Shameful Ploy to Keep Big Oil Happy Comes At the Expense Of Sending Our Kids to College

Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) issued the following statement in response to legislation passed by the Senate yesterday that stripped $4.5 billion in tax deductions from the tax reconciliation bill for middle-class American families who are struggling to pay to send their children to college. In the same legislation, the GOP gives another massive tax break of $5.1 billion to the energy industry at a time when millions of American families are relying on these tax breaks to send their children to college:

"The repeated calls by Republicans in Congress to crack down on energy companies for unprecedented prices at the pump, while those companies are posting record profits, are a total sham. It is quite evident where Republican priorities lay when it comes to assisting big oil at the expense of American families. It is utterly reprehensible that the GOP leadership would cut this critical tax deduction that is essential to students across the nation who are seeking a college education. As long as Congress is controlled by the Republican Party, I fear that our energy crisis will continue to spiral out of control. I urge Republicans in Congress to immediately restore the tax deduction for American families struggling to pay for rising school tuitions, and take meaningful action to address our energy crisis by sticking to the provisions that would curtail massive giveaways to oil and gas companies," Wexler said.

