Westmoreland Backs National Defense Bill

Date: May 11, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Westmoreland Backs National Defense Bill

U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland voted today for the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2007 budget year because it increases the size of the military, enhances benefits for troops and their families, and provide new supplies to fight the war on terror. The bill garnered broad bipartisan support and passed 396-31.

"Our military has fought fiercely to defend this nation from terrorist attacks and has taken the fight directly to the extremists determined to destroy us," Westmoreland said. "Our fighting men and women give their everything for us and this bill shows our appreciation to them by increasing their benefits and providing them with the tools they need in the battlefield. Because of this legislation, U.S. soldiers are going to have better pay, better health care and better armor to protect them in war zones.

"The U.S military is the best-trained and most technologically advanced fighting force the world has ever known. Today, the Congress has moved to keep that proud tradition alive by continuing to invest in our armed forces and the security of our nation."

