Speaker Hastert Reacts to President's Proposal to Use National Guard to Strengthen Security at Nation's Borders

Date: May 15, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Speaker Hastert Reacts to President's Proposal to Use National Guard to Strengthen Security at Nation's Borders

House Passed Legislation Further Tightens Borders; Awaiting Senate Action

Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) today issued the following statement after President Bush, in a nationally televised address, announced a plan to send thousands of National Guard troops to secure America's borders.

"Our borders are among our first lines of defense in protecting the American people from terrorists. With tonight's action from the President, we're moving towards serious action that will ease the gaps in our border security. The decision to send troops is the shot in the arm we need to strengthen our borders and protect our families. We must do everything we can to protect Americans from terrorism, and that means using the tools we have available: troops; Border Patrol agents; cameras; and ,in some cases, physical barriers. These troops will help to protect our borders from terrorists, criminal gangs, drug runners and others who are crossing to harm Americans.

"Our nation has changed since the terrorists attacked our people in 2001. We know the importance of being vigilant with our border security. The House has passed strong legislation that will strengthen our borders and protect American citizens. I hope the Senate acts soon, so that we can agree to strong legislation."

