Congressman Cummings Urges National Recommitment to Amtrak on its 35th Anniversary

Date: May 1, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Congressman Cummings Urges National Recommitment to Amtrak on its 35th Anniversary

Today, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings commended Amtrak, our national intercity passenger rail service, on the 35th anniversary of its founding. He also stressed the importance of fully funding the service to enable it to succeed. Amtrak was created by the passage in 1970 of the Rail Passenger Service Act and came into existence in 1971.

Congressman Cummings said, "I applaud Amtrak for providing 35 years of intercity passenger rail service in our nation.

"Though the past few years have been difficult ones for Amtrak - particularly as it has waged an annual battle for adequate funding - the service has continued to grow and now carries more than 25 million annual passengers to 500 stations throughout our nation.

"Having just completed work as lead Democratic member of a working group on Amtrak convened by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I know that Amtrak has recently implemented specific improvements in its management and financial accounting systems that are producing important efficiencies in the service.

"While there remains room for improving Amtrak, I remain deeply committed to the value of Amtrak - and of intercity passenger rail service - as an essential part of our national transportation network. Importantly, no new reform effort will succeed until our nation recommits to Amtrak by providing a funding stream that is reliable and adequate. Therefore, I urge the Bush Administration and Congress to work together to put a long-term funding strategy in place to support Amtrak.

"I will continue to fight for Amtrak - and I will continue to support intercity passenger rail service that is truly national in scope and that is as efficient and effective as possible."
