Congressman Rogers Launches Gas Price Web Site

Date: April 28, 2006
Issues: Oil and Gas

Congressman Rogers Launches Gas Price Web Site

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, believes America can solve the problem of rising gasoline prices by tackling the challenge head-on, but most solutions are long range. In the short term, he has complied some information on a web site that will be helpful to folks faced with this summer's soaring prices.

"Every Michigan family and all of our job providers are affected by the sharp increases at the pump," said Rogers, vice-chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. "As consumers of gasoline, we all feel the pinch in our daily lives - driving to work, the doctor, or shopping, transporting our children to school or extra curricular activities, keeping in touch with family and friends, or running small businesses."


"Our intent is to have this web page help us conserve and find lower priced gasoline this summer, but it also will become a location to find more information about developing long-term solutions to our energy needs," Rogers said. "Political grandstanding won't solve this challenge ahead of us, we need good policy based on good science and a commitment to work together for what is best for America."
