May is Foster Care Month

Floor Speech

Date: May 17, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, I rise to recognize May as National Foster Care Month and to thank every parent, volunteer, and mentor who works with our foster children.

I am a proud member of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth. When I was an 11-year-old, a foster child, Bob, came into our family, and he continues to be my brother today.

During this month, we renew our commitment to ensure that every child has a safe and loving family. I know firsthand how a supportive and loving home can make all the difference in a young person's life.

Madam Speaker, there are more than 460,000 children and youth in foster care. These children and youth range from infants to 18 years old when they age out. Foster youth who transition out of the foster care system without a permanent home are at high risk for unemployment, poor educational outcomes, health issues, early parenthood, long-term dependency on public assistance, increased rates of incarceration, and homelessness.

Madam Speaker, every child deserves a safe, supportive, and permanent family. We have the responsibility to continue to create policies that will improve outcomes and the overall well-being of foster youth and their families.

