Israel Security Assistance Support Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to this political bill. This is not about policy. It is about politics. What a shame.

This is not in Israel's best interests. It is not in this Congress' best interests. The gentleman who just spoke, spoke with passion, immediacy, and urgency. Unfortunately, House Republican leadership has sought to turn it into a partisan issue on multiple occasions. This legislation is their latest attempt.

They claim President Biden is delaying some portion of aid. Where was that outrage, I ask my colleagues, when, on November 2, you brought a bill to this floor with a poison pill that you knew would not pass and would not be signed by the President of the United States?

If it had been a clean bill, as I told you then, it would have passed with over or approximately 400 votes, but you waited 7 months--not 20 days--7 months. Where was the outrage when we waited 7 months to give Israel aid?

Also, by the way, we delayed on Ukraine, as well. Where was the outrage? I was told over and over again: Well, the Speaker is going to bring it to the floor sometime. He says he is going to bring it to the floor. Seven months--one, two, three--time went by. Where was the outrage then?

This is a political bill that does not help Israel, does not help America, and should be defeated.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote.

