Protecting Local Law Enforcement

Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. CRAIG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nearly 3 months since Burnsville lost Police Officers Matthew Ruge and Paul Elmstrand and Firefighter- Paramedic Adam Finseth in the line of duty.

They answered a domestic call early one Sunday morning, where seven children were being held inside a home by an armed gunman. A tactical vehicle from the city of Rosemount was a critical part of the emergency response that day.

Look at these photos beside me. Take a long look at these photos. Forty-one shots from a gunman's rifle hit this vehicle as officers from Rosemount and Apple Valley tried to help their brothers. We may have had even more injury and, God forbid, death that day without this vehicle.

It was 3 months ago when I stood on the House floor and pledged to honor Matthew, Paul, and Adam's lives by giving the first responders who keep our communities safe the support they need on the ground. That is why, today, I am introducing the Protect Local Law Enforcement Act, a bill that would allow local law enforcement to purchase vehicles like the one used in Burnsville with Federal funds, which is currently restricted by the Federal Government.

Law enforcement's multiple missions are harder and more dangerous than ever before. They are routinely put in harm's way. This National Police Week, let's honor them by protecting them.

Mr. Speaker, this bill will save lives, and I ask my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support it.

