End Hunger Now

Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, as working families try to get ahead, billionaire food companies and grocery giants continue to engage in excessive price gouging.

That is why I am joining my colleague from Massachusetts, Senator Elizabeth Warren, to call them out.

We heard good news this morning. Grocery prices are flat thanks to a rebounding economy under the leadership of President Biden, but times are still tough and grocery prices are still stubbornly high.

Meanwhile, corporate CEOs are raking in profits and urging people to eat cereal for dinner and urging people to eat Doritos as a side dish to save money. It is absurd.

Corporations can no longer hide behind the guise of inflation. At various points in recent years, grocery price increases have outpaced inflation, with families paying 25 percent more for groceries as compared to pre-pandemic.

I applaud the Biden-Harris administration for the economic relief they have already delivered for working families. Now, we are putting billionaire corporations on notice. Their time of greed is coming to an end. We all need to work together to end hunger now.

