Calling for Release of Tyler Wenrich

Floor Speech

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call on Turks and Caicos to treat Louisa County resident Tyler Wenrich fairly and appropriately for his accidental mistake in their country.

Tyler is a paramedic and vice president of operations at Emergency Services Solutions in Powhatan County. On April 23, while traveling with friends in Turks and Caicos, law enforcement discovered two stray bullets in his baggage. Tyler apparently had the two bullets in his luggage when leaving the United States, but they were not discovered by our own TSA.

He is facing up to 12 years in prison despite no demonstrated criminal intent.

My staff and I remain in constant communication with Tyler and his family, providing support and advocating for his release with consequences that fit the unintentional offense.

I call on the Biden administration to join me in demanding his release and issuing a State Department travel advisory, warning travelers to Turks and Caicos of the excessive criminal penalties they may face there for accidental minor offenses.

Tyler's wife, Jeriann, and young son need him in Louisa, and my staff and I will continue to pursue every avenue to help facilitate his safe return.

