Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2024

Floor Speech

Date: May 14, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this piece of legislation.

This bill recognizes the important work the Coast Guard does to protect our waters, interdict drugs, stop human trafficking, and promote maritime safety.

As my State of Florida braces for the influx of Haitian immigrants-- illegal immigrants--this bill authorizes funding through fiscal year 2026 and makes critical investments to enable the service to meet their current and growing mission demands.

The measure directs much-needed investments in the Coast Guard shoreside infrastructure and authorizes additional heavy lift aircraft, helicopters, and vessels that will support the Coast Guard's missions.

As the Coast Guard faces a shortfall of servicemembers and civilians, this legislation supports the Coast Guard's efforts to address its recruiting and retention challenges while supporting efforts to boost the pool of qualified U.S. merchant mariners that can mobilize during such a time as is needed.

I am pleased the bill also has language to strengthen the Coast Guard's ability to counter cyber threats that jeopardize the safety of our supply chain.

The bill incorporates the Coast Guard Protection and Accountability Act of 2024 that Ranking Member Carbajal and I introduced along with Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Larsen.

The provisions will strengthen protections for members of the Coast Guard from sexual assault and harassment and increase transparency within the service about the manner in which these cases are held.

I appreciate Chairman Graves' work on the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2024 along with Ranking Member Larsen and subcommittee Ranking Member Carbajal.

I urge my colleagues to support this legislation.

