Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: May 14, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 6571, the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act, which I am proud to co-lead with my colleague, Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, producers in sectors across the economy had to slow or stop production. They couldn't access the inputs they needed to operate due to shipping bottlenecks or a lack of diversified suppliers.

My bill establishes a program within the Department of Commerce to map and monitor critical supply chains utilized by American producers. It will allow us to know where our strengths and vulnerabilities are, a critical step in improving our economic and national security.

This program will also develop best practices to advise manufacturers on how to strengthen their supply chains and help government and private sector stakeholders plan for and respond to supply chain shocks.

Hoosier manufacturers make some of the best products in the world and need reliable supply chains. Having the Department of Commerce study and advise on how to strengthen supply chains will allow producers to plan appropriately.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 6571.

