Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act

Floor Speech

By: Chip Roy
By: Chip Roy
Date: May 14, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend from Missouri for yielding, and I rise in support of this legislation.

San Antonio, which I am proud to represent, has about 1.7 million people. It is the seventh-largest city in the country and is the second-largest market without a direct flight to Reagan National Airport.

It has about 82,000 Active Duty and about 100,000 veterans in the community. It is arguably the center of cybersecurity.

This is something that the delegation has been working on for a long time, and this is an important development.

For the reasons that I have just articulated, I give a great deal of thanks to the chairman for his hard work in getting this done and to Senator Cruz and his leadership over in the Senate to get these additional five slots which, by the way, will provide opportunities for other cities that are in the same situation. This, frankly, won't actually have a significant impact because there are already people flying from San Antonio to Reagan. They are just having to hop to do it. This will provide direct access. I am grateful for their support, and I will support the bill.

