We Were Paying Attention on October 7

Floor Speech

Date: May 8, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, we were paying attention. We were paying attention on October 7. We were paying attention when Hamas, the terrorist organization, slaughtered innocent women and children, elderly citizens of the Nation of Israel. We were paying attention.

Now the world is paying attention as Israel seeks to eliminate Hamas. We stand with Israel. We stand with the citizens of Israel, and we are paying attention not only to Israel as it seeks to destroy Hamas and rid the world of this terrorist organization, but we are paying attention to those in Congress and across the country who are siding with Hamas, who are siding with terrorists, who are siding with murderers.

Remember October 7. We stand with Israel. John Handley Seniors Honor Veterans


Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the efforts of John Handley High School seniors. These remarkable students have taken on a significant project to honor alumni from the Douglas School who valiantly served in World War II.

The project involves adding their names to the Patsy Cline Theater at John Handley High School, acknowledging the contributions and service of those veterans alongside those already honored from John Handley.

Douglas School served African-American students in Winchester until its closure in 1966, so the students want to make sure all of the community's World War II veterans are given the recognition they rightly deserve.

The students' work involves a great deal of researching and documenting the names of Douglas School veterans, a crucial step in preserving our history and ensuring the bravery and sacrifices of all of our World War II veterans are honored. So far, they have collected 300 names of World War II veterans and are working to verify that they attended Douglas High School.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in applauding these students and their efforts to ensure that the contributions of our veterans are never forgotten. Congratulating Salem High School Debate Team


Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Salem High School debate team for winning the 2024 Virginia High School League championship, the first in their history.

This historic win came after an impressive performance at James Madison University, where Salem's team showcased their unparalleled skill and determination against the Rock Ridge team, winning with a score of 21-13.

The team was led by Claire Rawlins and Kaylee Christley, whose unmatched skills in policy debate steered Salem to victory. Claire Rawlins has also etched her name in VHSL history by winning titles in both forensics, impromptu speaking, and a debate event in a single year.

In the VHSL competition, Rawlins and Christley went a combined 10 wins and 1 loss while winning the region, super region, and State championships. Their achievements, along with those of their teammates, propelled Salem to this prestigious State title.

I congratulate Salem High School on their State championship in debate and to the students, coaches, and everyone involved in this monumental achievement. Honoring WWII Veteran George Bailey


Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize George Bailey, a valiant World War II veteran who joined the Capital Wing Warbird Showcase at Shenandoah Valley Airport as part of his 99th birthday celebration.

George Bailey, who faithfully served in the Army's 283rd Field Artillery Battalion, represents the best of American courage and resolve. His dedication to our country, followed by his distinguished career at Pratt & Whitney showcases the enduring American spirit of innovation and excellence.

At the showcase, George Bailey was given the honor to take to the skies on a flight aboard the historic Stinson OY-1.

George's enthusiasm for aviation serves as a powerful reminder of the gratitude we owe to our veterans. Their commitment and sacrifices have paved the way for the freedoms and opportunities we enjoy.

As we look forward to celebrating George's 100th birthday next year, with hopes of another flight, I thank George. To all those who joined in this memorable showcase, your dedication ensures that the legacy of our Nation's heroes continues to be celebrated and remembered for generations to come. Apple Blossom Festival Celebrates 100th Anniversary


Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival's 100th birthday. This year marked the 100th anniversary of the festival's establishment in 1924, despite having hosted only 97 festivals to date because of the profound impacts of World War II and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.

The festival includes 10 days of events, including a carnival, dances, parades, band concerts, and parties. It attracts crowds of more than 250,000 people.

Last week, 500 people joined a celebration at James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center at Shenandoah University to honor a century of tradition, resilience, and community spirit at the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival.

Mr. Speaker, this achievement is an incredible milestone. I extend my utmost gratitude to all those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the Apple Blossom Festival one of the best celebrations in Virginia's Sixth District and nationwide. Year after year, their dedication has created a celebration for our community to recognize and enjoy the rich agricultural heritage of the Shenandoah Valley.

