Recognizing Aaron Dontez Yates, Tech N9Ne, for His Accomplishments in the Music Industry

Floor Speech

Date: May 6, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the extraordinary actions and success of an accomplished individual in Missouri's Fifth Congressional District, Aaron Dontez Yates, better known as his stage name Tech N9ne. Today, we join in recognition of the milestones he has achieved throughout his career in the music industry.

Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Tech N9ne embarked on a journey looking for ways in which he could express himself. From an early age, he began to rap, first using it as a method to learn and remember how to spell his name and later to release his inner thoughts and emotions. Before taking a leap of faith in seeking success on his own, he was part of the groups Black Mafia, 57th Street Rogue Dog Villains, and the Regime, where he began to get acquainted with the industry and would lead him to move forward in opening his own record label. Strange Music, with his business partner Travis O-Guin.

With releases such as ``Anghellic'' and ``Everready (The Religion),'' his discography stands as a testament to his unparalleled talent and unwavering dedication to his craft. His talent and ability to create new rhythms and rhymes have not been overlooked and have instead garnered the attention of other acclaimed artists as well as solidified his status as a true pioneer in the world of hip-hop and rap. His success and unique approach have led to collaborations with artists Machine Gun Kelly, Lil Wayne, and Eminem among others. His love for his hometown is apparent through a now football season classic. ``Red Kingdom'', a love song to the Kansas City Chiefs as he remains an avid supporter of his local sports teams.

Moreover, Tech N9ne's endeavors go beyond the music industry as he uses his platform to give back and better the lives of those who surround him. Through his work in philanthropy, Tech N9ne has provided support to organizations Habitat for Humanity, Harvesters Community Food Network as well as other organizations focusing on mental health awareness. His desire to improve and further help build his community in Kansas City, Missouri, is truly admirable and selfless.

As we come together to celebrate the legacy that Tech N9ne has built and continues to build upon, it is important to emphasize that his influence is clearly visible among our community as he holds a compassion and commitment to address issues outside the music arena. He is not only leaving his mark in the music industry but also providing others, especially those in the Fifth District, with the inspiration, motivation, and model to pursue their passions while remaining engaged in helping improve the quality of life of others. Furthermore, Tech N9ne has become a symbol of our city and an example of the many talented and bright individuals that make our city our home.

