Bailing Out Art Students

Floor Speech

Date: May 6, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, last week, President Biden unilaterally made the decision to cancel more than $6.1 billion in debt for 300,000 art students across our country.

This is a bailout. This bailout is an insult to the tens of millions of Americans who either paid off their student loans or who never attended college in the first place.

Instead of using taxpayer dollars in an attempt to win votes, President Biden should be turning his attention to the runaway inflation that has impacted every man, woman, and child in America. Parents shouldn't have to choose between buying gas or buying groceries for their families. Parents should not have to dip into their savings or into their retirement accounts to afford basic goods.

Sadly, under President Biden, these decisions have become all too common. It is time to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on student bailouts and Green New Deal initiatives. It is time to return to fiscal restraint. It is time to put a stop to the runaway inflation that has become the trademark of the Biden administration. Biden Administration's Secret Flights


Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, last week, the House Homeland Security Committee released documents that identified over 45 airport locations that were used by President Biden to secretly fly over 400,000 illegal immigrants into our country.

These documents, which the Biden administration only turned over under subpoena, show that Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden have been transporting illegal immigrants into communities across the United States.

It is clear that President Biden is using our regional airports to spread this crisis and effectively make each and every State a border State.

The American people cannot afford to have a Homeland Security Secretary that fails to keep America safe, and Pennsylvania families cannot afford a President who cares more about illegal immigrants than about the American people.

