Condemning Iran's Unprecedented Drone and Missile Attack on Israel

Floor Speech

Date: April 18, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, I rise in support of the gentleman from New Jersey's resolution, H. Res. 1143, condemning Iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel.

Like every Member of this body, I am horrified by Iran's direct attack on Israel.

In retaliation for Israel's targeted strike against two Iranian military generals in Damascus on April 1, Iran launched more than 300 drones and powerful missiles at Israel's population--Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike.

The great success of Israel's missile shield, codeveloped by the United States of America, and the combined forces of the U.S. military, France, the U.K., and Jordan, prevented significant death and destruction.

Our thoughts and hearts are with the young Israeli Bedouin girl, who is recovering today from injuries she suffered due to an Iranian projectile.

I stand strongly with the people of Israel and their defense against both direct and proxy Iranian attacks, and I support this resolution being offered by Representative Kean.

Israel, of course, has the right to defend itself like any other country, but as a true friend of Israel, I encourage the Israeli Government to be smart and strategic as it considers its response, and I urge this body not to beat the drums of war.

As Secretary Blinken recently said, an escalation of the conflict is not in the United States' or Israel's interests.

Believe me, I really understand the rage felt by Israel toward the Government of Iran, a government hell-bent on wiping Israel off the map. The two generals whom Israel eliminated worked day and night to provide Iranian proxies the lethal materiel and strategy necessary to significantly harm the State of Israel.

I also understand the need for Israel to maintain strategic deterrence. Iran needs to know there will be serious consequences if it attempts to harm Israel. Deterrence serves to prevent an expansion of conflict.

I also understand the massive consequences of Israel and Iran descending into a broader war and what that would mean for the United States and the rest of the entire world. An expanded Israel-Iran war would distract from the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a conflict that must end, while ensuring the elimination of Hamas' military capabilities.

We still have challenges. We must free the hostages remaining in Gaza and achieve a humanitarian cease-fire. Famine and the current humanitarian catastrophe must be reversed at all costs. There must be a realistic plan for the future governance and reconstruction of Gaza, one that results in Palestinian control of the strip.

An expanded Israel-Iran war could also serve to drag the United States of America deeper into the conflict. As the ongoing debate on the supplemental should make clear, the United States already has a lot on its plate.

Madam Speaker, please remember that Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine remains unfinished business and that Ukraine is losing ground to Russian forces due to Donald Trump's interference in our emergency supplemental process.

The future of Europe is urgently--urgently--at stake. Already, there are dangerous conflicts simmering throughout the Middle East region, including continued attacks by the Houthis in Yemen against international shipping and U.S. military forces. China still has its sights set on Taiwan as China strengthens its relationship with both Iran and Russia.

An expanded war in the Middle East would put American soldiers deployed in the region in greater danger. It would harm the American middle class and global economies still clawing back pandemic-spurred inflation, just as our economy is beginning to rebound.

Are there those amongst us who think it is wise to open a broader war in the Middle East this week? Do we want to further encourage Iran to rush to build and test a nuclear weapon? Do we want to give Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping the satisfaction of the United States being bogged down in war?

China and Russia would love to see the United States embroiled and distracted in the Middle East as they continue their nefarious destabilizing objectives in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. We should not let that happen.

Madam Speaker, I conclude my remarks where I started. We stand strongly with the State of Israel and its right to defend its people. Israel, without question, has the right to defend itself, and I hope that strategy and thoughtfulness rule the day, not rage and revenge. There is too much at stake.

Mr. KEAN of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, I yield such time as he may consume to the gentleman from California (Mr. Kiley).


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I continue to reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. KEAN of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, as people are here witnessing us speaking about how the attacks are all interconnected, Iran, Russia, and China all are seeking to do harm to our Nation and to the Western rules-based order.

It is extraordinarily important in these times that we show strength and unity of purpose. I am thankful that the gentleman from New York (Mr. Meeks), the ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, supported this measure both in the Rules Committee as well as on the floor here today. It shows the very strong importance of this resolution and our unparalleled support for the State of Israel and its right to defend itself.

We, as the House of Representatives, have the responsibility to pass--and I expect later this week we will--a strong foreign aid package that will support our opposition to Iran, Russia, and China, and make sure that we support the people who are fighting for their freedom in Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan to make sure that we have strong support of the American people. That is why it is important on a bipartisan basis that we work together to support this measure.


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I continue to reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. KEAN of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in sending a strong bipartisan and overwhelming show of support for the State of Israel by agreeing to this resolution.

Our allies and partners are closely watching this body's actions. We must send a clear message that we stand by our allies and our partners and are resolved against the adversaries and those who wish us all harm.

Madam Speaker, I urge the adoption of this resolution, and I continue to reserve the balance of my time.


Mr. MEEKS. Madam Speaker, I yield the balance of my time to the gentlewoman from Pennsylvania (Ms. Dean) and ask that she may control that time.

