Recognizing Dr. Timothy C. Tennent

Floor Speech

Date: April 10, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, as the former Co-Chair of the National Prayer Breakfast, I rise to give thanks and a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Timothy C. Tennent for fifteen years of faithful and outstanding leadership as the President of Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. A true man of God with a brilliant mind for ministry and a warm heart for missions, Dr. Tennent will conclude his remarkable presidency this June, as he and his wife, Julie, follow God's next calling into global ministry and scholarship.

Under President Tennent's Spirit-inspired leadership. Asbury Theological Seminary has grown tremendously in size, spiritual stature, and scholarship, dramatically expanding its programs and impacts around the nation and world for the sake of the Gospel. Today it is generally recognized as the largest and leading Seminary in the evangelical Wesleyan-Arminian theological tradition. President Tennent's vision has led to many innovative new programs focused on global ministry and church planting and to impressive growth in financial support from donors. Many pastors and spiritual leaders in my state of Michigan are grateful graduates of Asbury Seminary. In my district, Spring Arbor University has a close association with Asbury Seminary, as sister institutions affiliated with the evangelical holiness wing of Methodism. In my prior work as a minister and Christian college administrator, I came to deeply respect Asbury Seminary.

President Tennent has been a courageous and eloquent advocate for Biblical truth, faithfulness, and theological orthodoxy in his presidential leadership, public speaking and preaching, and authorship of many books. He is widely recognized as one of the Nation's top evangelical theological leaders. The Apostle John described Christ as the ``Word'' who came to us ``full of grace and truth,'' a model to which Christians aspire. Dr. Tennent has faithfully proclaimed Biblical truth with grace, warmth, and humility in his leadership and life.

I ask my colleagues in the House of Representatives to join me in congratulating Dr. Timothy Tennent as he concludes his outstanding presidency at Asbury Theological Seminary and in expressing blessings as he and his wife, Julie, enter their next phase of service. I believe the Lord's words in the book of Matthew truly apply to them: ``Well done, thou good and faithful servants.''

