Expressing the Sense of Congress That A Carbon Tax Would Be Detrimental to the United States Economy

Floor Speech

Date: March 21, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, today, I stand in strong opposition to this foolish and useless resolution while my Republican colleagues rush to support Big Oil instead of America's seniors, children, and workers.

It is not rocket science. We all know that carbon-intensive industries harm our planet. It is also clear from air and water pollution, to floods, to wildfires that lower income communities face the greatest risks tied to climate change.

Families of color often have access to the fewest resources to prepare for or recover from extreme weather events and other environmental emergencies. So much for looking out for the costs of the little people.

As a mom and as a legislator, I will never stop fighting to help ensure that our Nation's children inherit a greener and healthier world.

My Republican colleagues want to choke this planet in carbon dioxide.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in voting against this GOP effort to prop up oil and gas companies who, by the way, make record profits year after year while American families continue to struggle.

