Arms Sales Notification

Floor Speech

Date: March 20, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act requires that Congress receive prior notification of certain proposed arms sales as defined by that statute. Upon such notification, the Congress has 30 calendar days during which the sale may be reviewed. The provision stipulates that, in the Senate, the notification of proposed sales shall be sent to the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In keeping with the committee's intention to see that relevant information is still available to the full Senate, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Record the notifications that have been received. If the cover letter references a classified annex, then such an annex is available to all Senators in the office of the Foreign Relations Committee, room SD-423.

Hon. Benjamin L. Cardin, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC.

Dear Mr. Chairman: Pursuant to the reporting requirements of Section 36(b)(5)(A) of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), as amended, we are forwarding Transmittal No. 0S-23. This notification relates to enhancements or upgrades from the level of sensitivity of technology or capability described in the Section 36(b)(1) AECA certification 09-53 of October 26, 2009. Sincerely, James A. Hursch, Director.

Enclosures. Transmittal No. 0S-23 Report of Enhancement or Upgrade of Sensitivity of Technology or Capability (Sec. 36(b)(5)(A)), (AECA)

(i) Purchaser: Government of Morocco.

(ii) Sec. 36(b)(1), AECA Transmittal No.: 09-53; Date: October 26, 2009; Military Department: Army.

Funding Source: National Funds.

(iii) Description: On October 26, 2009, Congress was notified by Congressional certification transmittal number 09-53, of the possible sale, under Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, of three CH-47D CHINOOK Helicopters with 6 (2 per helicopter) T55-GA-714A Turbine engines, 2 spare T-55-GA-714A Turbine engines, 4 AN/ARC-201E Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS), mission equipment, communication and navigation equipment, ground support equipment, spare and repair parts, special tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, site survey, U.S. government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated total case value was $134 million. Major Defense Equipment (MDE) constituted $63 million of this total.

On February 8, 2022, Congress was notified by Congressional certification transmittal number 0L-21 of the inclusion of one (1) additional T-55-GA-714A engine (spare) (MDE). The estimated total value of the new items was $.95 million but did not cause an increase in the estimated total program cost. The estimated total case value remained $134 million with MDE remaining $63 million of this total.

This transmittal reports the inclusion of an additional three (3) T-55-GA-714A engines (spares) (MDE). The estimated total value of the new items is $4.2 million but will not cause an increase in the estimated total program cost. The estimated total case value will remain $134 million with MDE remaining $63 million of this total.

(iv) Significance: This notification is being provided as the additional MDE items were not enumerated in the original notification. The proposed sale will support Morocco's ongoing effort to sustain its current fleet of CH-47D aircraft, enabling its armed forces' ability to maintain regional stability and security.

(v) Justification: This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a Major Non-NATO Ally that continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in North Africa.

(vi) Sensitivity of Technology:

The Sensitivity of Technology statement contained in the original notification applies to items reported here.

The highest level of classification of defense articles, components, and services included in this potential sale is SECRET.

(vii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: March 19, 2024.

