'This Week' Transcript 12-24-23: Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco & Sen. Lindsey Graham


Date: Dec. 24, 2023
Issues: Defense Elections


Yes, I've never been more concerned about a terrorist attack on our homeland. And I appreciate what Lisa said.

The director of the FBI, when I questioned him a couple weeks ago, said he sees blinking lights everywhere. And particularly after October the 7th, we're helping Israel deal with the destruction of Hamas, defending themselves. After October the 7th Jihadist groups all over the world are calling on their members to attack America as payback for us helping Israel.

So, the threat levels are at all-time high. October the 7th put gasoline on a fire. And we need to get our border secure and up our game.


Well, the budget negotiations has a cut for the FBI. I objected to the debt ceiling deal because it put the military budget under inflation. It's insane for America not to rebuild its defenses in light of the threats we face. And the FBI's budget is under inflation.

So, one of the things I hope to have accomplish is when we do a bill to fund the government to give the FBI more resources.

We're under siege at home and abroad. Domestic terrorism does worry me. But Jihadist inspired terrorist attacks are at an all-time high. They want to punish us for helping Israel. So, now is not the time to go cheap on the FBI or the Department of Defense.








Well, you've got to remember -- Hamas wants to up the casualties of their own people. They're using the Palestinian people as human shields. They have command bunkers under schools and hospitals. They use apartment complexes to launch military operations. So, I blame the death of all these Palestinians on Hamas.

But Israel is trying to mitigate casualties. We need more humanitarian aid as long as it doesn't go into the hands of Hamas.

But here's what I want the world to know. If Hamas is still standing when this is over, we have failed as a world community. I would not invest 15 cents in a future Palestine where Hamas is still standing. They have 24 military brigades that need to be destroyed. Their leaders need to be killed and captured. And I wouldn't invest 15 cents into the Palestinian Authority regarding a new Palestine.

Hamas' Palestinian Authority is dead to me. So, when we get to the day after, when Israel has ceased military operations because Hamas has been destroyed, the new Palestine cannot have Hamas, and it cannot be governed by the PA. The PA is corrupt in the eyes of its own people. They've had pay to slay programs.

So, I'm looking for a fresh start the day after. But the destruction of Hamas is non-negotiable. You would be insane to invest in the Palestinian people if Hamas is still standing. I will not do that. I will not send one dime of American aid if Hamas is still standing. And if you put the PA in charge of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, no money coming from me.


We have to get it done. The asylum fixes are -- are going pretty well. The hangup is parole. This administration does not want to let go of a tool they're abusing. Under our parole law, you can admit people into the country who are outside the country or withinside the country -- inside the country on an individual basis. They've been taking the parole statute and granting mass parole, blanket parole, and we need to stop. They do not want to give that tool up. They're trying to hang on to devices to allow the flow to continue. Republicans are trying to restrict the flow and regain control of our border.

But having said that, Senator Lankford's doing a good job. But to the Biden administration, we have to address the magnets that are drawing so many people here. The terrorist threat is beyond imagination. All the lights are blinking. And we're on track to have 3.6 million encounters at the border in F.Y. '24. This December, encounters at the border are up 440 percent over December 2020. The policies of the Biden administration are attracting people from all over the world. We have to change those policies to secure our border. So, policy changes are the key to getting a deal to help Ukraine. Border security is the key to Ukraine.


It's not a rule -- a law-based ruling. It is a political decision. The hatred of Trump is so widespread. You know, the Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, make D.C. and Puerto Rico a state and national elections through HR-1. This Colorado Supreme Court made a political decision. In my view, there is no constitutional basis for the decision they rendered. I think it will be a -- a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. Donald Trump will eventually be on the ballot in Colorado. I think he will win the primary. You've got a lot of good choices in the Republican Party.

But this ruling in Colorado is chilling to me and it would set up a politicization of the presidential races. It would be bad for the country.


Right. Right. Yes.






Well, you know, Hillary Clinton didn't -- had the same view that she was cheated. He's not the first politician to claim to have been denied a fair election. But here's what I would say, I accept the election results of 2020. I'm worried about 2024. If President Trump puts the vision out, improving security and prosperity for Americans, he will win. If he looks back, I think he will lose.

So, at the end of the day, the 2020 election's over for me. We need to secure the ballot in the 2024 cycle. But Donald Trump's not the first person to complain about an election.

