Commending Yasmeen Bankole

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 29, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. RAMIREZ. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Yasmeen Bankole, who is here with us today with her mother, Victoria, in the gallery.

Yasmeen is a public servant who always shows up for her neighbors in Illinois District Three. Yasmeen is a longtime resident of Hanover Park, calling it home for over 20 years. At the age of 27, Ms. Bankole's commitment to her community pushed her to serve as the village trustee of Hanover Park, becoming the first and only Nigerian American elected official in Illinois.

As a founding member of Black Women Who Lead, Yasmeen empowers and supports Illinois Black women to succeed in elected and leadership roles.

Ms. Bankole also serves in Illinois District Three and the surrounding region in Illinois as the regional director for U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and as the economic development chair of the NAACP DuPage County Branch.

Yasmeen brightens every room she walks into, and she inspires others.

Today, on behalf of Illinois District Three, it is my honor to present Yasmeen with a commendation for her contributions to our community and for her commitment to public service, equity, and justice.

I congratulate Yasmeen. Recognizing Michael Childress


Mrs. RAMIREZ. Madam Speaker, I also rise in commendation of Michael Childress, a leader dedicated to our multicultural, multiracial democracy.

A longtime resident of DuPage County, Mr. Childress is the first-ever Black member of the DuPage County Board, where he serves as vice chair and represents families from Bloomingdale, Bensenville, Addison, and Wood Dale.

Michael also serves as the president of the DuPage County Branch of the NAACP. Under his leadership, the organization has assisted Black- owned businesses and entrepreneurs in our community, expanded voter participation, and offered mentorship opportunities to involve youth of diverse backgrounds in leadership and our democracy.

Mr. Childress also spearheads efforts to combat domestic violence, serving on the board of directors of one of the largest domestic violence advocacy agencies in Chicago, Family Rescue.

Therefore, for his contributions to Illinois District Three, our youth, and our multicultural democracy, I am honored to recognize Michael Childress. Thanking Dara Munson


Mrs. RAMIREZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to recognize Dara Munson.

Dara is a nonprofit leader who has provided constituents with lifesaving services and opportunities to thrive for more than 25 years.

Native to Detroit, Ms. Munson moved to Chicago when she became the CEO of the Chicago Child Care Center. Under her leadership, the organization became one with Family Focus, expanding services for over 20,000 children and families.

As the president and CEO of Family Focus, she also serves families in my district as the vice chair of the International Women's Forum and the founding member of the Early Childhood Education CEO Roundtable.

In her own words, it is her goal to see families receive equitable support and resources so they may realize their dreams and the dreams of their ancestors.

In the name of my constituents, it is my great honor to thank and recognize Dara for her contributions. Commending Emanuel Chris Welch


Mrs. RAMIREZ. Madam Speaker, I rise in commendation to the Honorable one and only Speaker Emmanuel Chris Welch for his historic and inspirational service to the families of Illinois.

Speaker Welch, a dear colleague and a fierce advocate of racial equity, serves as the first-ever Black speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives.

Speaker Welch has led historic legislation to provide immigrants, independently of legal status, access to driver's licenses; combat homelessness in our State; and create an elected school board for Chicago.

I was honored to serve as assistant speaker of the house as part of his leadership team, where we were able to approve a ban on assault weapons, invest in green jobs, and reform our criminal justice system.

We thank Speaker Welch for his brave leadership and unwavering commitment to advancing equity, inclusion, justice, and dignity for all Illinoisans. Honoring Toni Preckwinkle


Mrs. RAMIREZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to honor the Cook County Board president, Toni Preckwinkle.

From five terms as alderperson to becoming the first Black woman president of Cook County Board and overseeing the Nation's second most populous county, President Preckwinkle has proven her dedication to our communities.

President Preckwinkle believes, like I do, that healthcare is a human right. Under her leadership, Cook County has expanded healthcare to 600,000 residents of Cook County, regardless of citizenship status.

Her work also extends to the criminal justice system, advocating for policies to reduce incarceration.

I am honored to commend President Preckwinkle for her 30 years of public service and the impact she has had on my constituents.

