Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 29, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WESTERMAN. Madam Speaker, I thank Chairman Graves for yielding and for his leadership on the FAA reauthorization bill and on the full committee.

This summer, under the leadership of Chairman Sam Graves, Ranking Member Larsen, Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Garret Graves, and Subcommittee Ranking Member Cohen, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee did our job. We crafted a strong and bipartisan reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration.

It passed unanimously through committee and with overwhelming bipartisan support on this very floor. The Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act is a comprehensive, commonsense bill that Members of this Chamber can be proud of. The historic legislation ensures that we continue to improve safety, encourage innovation, and ensure that the United States remains the gold standard in aviation.

However, since its passage, as has been mentioned, 7 months ago, we have had to vote on two extensions for the FAA reauthorization, and now we are facing a vote on a third because of the Senate's inaction on this important legislation.

Aviation safety impacts every single American, and each day that goes by without Senate passage and the President's signature, the enactment of key safety measures and improved framework for innovation is delayed.

During the development of this bill, we all worked hard in good faith for good policy. I fought for safety provisions that will directly benefit the airports in my district in El Dorado, Hot Springs, Texarkana, and Mena, such as requiring that the FAA implement tower marking rules that protect the general aviation community, especially agricultural aircraft, and ensuring that planes going in and out of Mena Airport have stable radio communication.

These are nonpartisan, good issues, and they are just an example of things all across the country.

While it is unfortunate that we are faced with a third extension to provide ample time for this critical legislation to make it across the finish line, we must pass this additional extension. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to swiftly pass the FAA legislation and the President to sign it into law so the United States can continue its role as the global leader in aviation safety and innovation.

With all this being said about how we can't get things done in the House, we have got something done in the House, and we just need our Senate partners and the White House to come along.

