Atomic Energy Advancement Act

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 28, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 6544, the Atomic Energy Advancement Act. This bill makes important changes to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to ensure that our Nation will be able to license the advanced nuclear reactors that could play a vital role in combating the climate crisis.

H.R. 6544 will ensure that developers of advanced reactors are not asked to pay more than their fair share of their licensing costs. It will also help create commonsense pathways to site nuclear reactors on brownfield sites and sites that already have a nuclear reactor. Most importantly, it will do these things while ensuring that nothing about the NRC's core mission of safety is compromised.

Madam Speaker, the legislation will also help the NRC attract and retain staff, which is critical since the Commission needs to be at full capacity to license the fleet of new reactors that will apply for licenses over the next decade.

This was a particularly important provision championed by Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee Ranking Member DeGette, and I am very happy that it was included in this package.

I also thank Chair Duncan for the bipartisan way in which this package of bills was assembled. This is how Congress should always work. We held bipartisan oversight hearings, issued a joint request for information, had a legislative hearing to solicit feedback on the proposals, and eventually moved the legislation through committee, with Democrats and Republicans working together every step of the way. As a result, the bill before us today is much stronger than the bill that was first introduced.

The bill is certainly not perfect. It is a product of compromise, and like all compromises, no one got everything they wanted. Further compromise will be necessary as we work together with the Senate to find a path forward to get this bill to the President's desk.

Madam Speaker, this is a strong bill that will protect communities while unlocking our Nation's nuclear potential. It will help lower emissions and ensure that new nuclear plants have a place in our Nation's energy economy, all while ensuring protection of public health and safety. I hope it is something all Members can support.

Madam Speaker, I urge a ``yes'' vote on this bill, and I reserve the balance of my time.


Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gentlewoman from Massachusetts (Mrs. Trahan), a member of the committee.


Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time for closing.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join us in supporting H.R. 6544, the Atomic Energy Advancement Act.

This bipartisan bill, which passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee in December, includes a number of policies designed to facilitate the deployment of advanced nuclear reactor technologies while not compromising on safety.

The bill will ensure that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is up to the job and prepared for the potential license applications for new reactor designs that are expected to come its way over the next decade.

Included in this package are provisions co-led by Democratic Members, including language that would:

First, allow the NRC to retain its current workforce and attract new talent to license new reactors;

Second, lower the regulatory costs imposed upon new reactor developers so they are only paying for the expenses they are directly incurring;

Third, ease the processes allowing for demonstration reactors at Department of Energy sites, sites with critical national security infrastructure, and brownfield sites;

Fourth, make it easier to co-locate new nuclear reactors on sites with currently operating reactors; and

Fifth, allow for DOE to enter into long-term agreements to purchase electricity from a new nuclear reactor.

Now, I would say nuclear energy is a vital source of zero-carbon baseload power. It is imperative in our fight against the worsening climate crisis that we strengthen the NRC's regulatory processes so the agency is prepared to license 21st century reactors in a timely fashion that does not compromise on safety or public health. H.R. 6544 will do just that.

Again, I intend to vote for the bill while it is on the floor under suspension, and we urge all Members to join us in supporting the legislation.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

