Fighting to Fund Ukraine, Taiwan, and Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 6, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LANDSMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today in absolute disbelief and genuine disgust with what the Speaker did tonight.

He knowingly allowed a bill to fail that would have provided critical support for our troops fighting terrorism in Iraq and Syria and for critical support for Israel. He did it because he wanted to embarrass Democrats.

He also intentionally left out much-needed humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza, essential support for Ukraine, and essential support for Taiwan. He chose this horrific, dangerous new brand of partisan politics over our troops, our allies, and millions in need.

The fact that Palestinians need humanitarian aid, Ukraine needs to defend itself against Putin, and Taiwan needs support against China is absolutely of no interest to the Speaker.

Representative Goldman and I attempted to amend this bill to include aid for all three, but we were denied.

We will keep fighting to fund Ukraine, Taiwan, and humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. This is what the American people want. It is what our global partners need. It is what this moment requires of us.

