Lng Ban Hurts Americans

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise to talk about the Biden administration's shortsighted policy, and I thank Dr. Joyce for bringing it up.

Mr. Speaker, this is another one of those examples of promises made, promises kept.

When this person was running for President, he couldn't stop telling people how we were no longer going to rely on our own energy. We were going to do something completely different. We were going to protect the environment.

He has actually kept those promises.

He has crippled the American economy. He has made the rest of the world dependent on people who they should not be depending on, and the rest of the world has awakened to just how far to the left this current administration is.

We are talking about jobs, an unbelievable amount of jobs. We are also talking about not being dependent on any foreign country to supply us with the energy that we need.

How in the world could anybody sit back now after 3 years of watching this wrong-sided approach to how we would run the greatest Nation the world has ever known and reduce it down to what it is today?

We are talking about jobs. We are talking about the cost of energy. We are talking about reliability, not on some foreign supplier, but on our own domestic energy, people.

Why would anybody under this current administration think that somehow my future is drilling for natural gas; my future is looking at oil fields; my future is based on the ill-fated thinking of this current administration?

This goes so far beyond what any normal thinking person would say: Good idea, good idea. Let's continue to do that.

I know some people will say: Well, you shouldn't be speaking that way.

My answer to that is: Maybe more of us should be speaking this way.

How can our fellow American citizens sit back and watch the devastation to our own economy; walking away from domestic energy and thinking that somehow this is a move in the right direction?

Candidate Biden said he would cut back on all these environmental absolute disasters that were taking place in America. He has kept his promise to the American people. He continues to make his promise kept to the American people.

The question is: When will the American people wake up from this slumber? When they will forget about being woke and wake up to what is happening to America today and happening to us every single day?

For the President of the United States to make a statement like he is making today about domestic energy, and what LNG will no longer be permitted: You won't be allowed to do it in the future. We are going to cut back on your permits--why in the world would anybody stay in this business and say: I think I have a shot.

Mr. Speaker, it is time for America to stand up, not just our colleagues on the Republican side but everyday Americans.

We are talking about jobs. We are talking about American energy. We are talking about clean energy. We are talking about the future of the greatest Nation the world has ever known, and the fact that she does not have to depend on anybody else in the world for her energy, nor do other countries have to depend on Russia for their energy when they can actually get it from their friends in America.

Promises made, promises kept. This is another one of those promises that leads to the complete disaster and destruction of America.

