Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Commission Extension Act

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. TRONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and urge a ``yes'' vote on my bill, the C&O Canal National Historical Park Commission Extension Act.

Running from D.C. to Cumberland, Maryland, the park's 20,000 acres of land are home to history. George Washington himself spearheaded the efforts to navigate these waters and drive industry in our then-newly formed Republic. For nearly 100 years, the canal transported lumber, crops, and coal, crucial commerce for the many communities depending on it for their livelihoods.

Now a national park, the C&O Canal is home to thousands of native species, over 100 of which are listed as rare and threatened or endangered by the State of Maryland, all of which must be fiercely protected.

For more than 40 years, the advisory commission has served as a link between the surrounding communities and the National Park Service to manage and restore the park. The commission has a proven track record of ensuring the growth and maintenance of the land, as well as protection of the plants and animals living within it.

Every 10 years, Congress must reauthorize this commission for it to continue the vital work, which brings us here today. I am proud to lead this effort with my dear friend, Senator Ben Cardin, to ensure Americans can enjoy, explore, and protect our park for generations to come.

I am honored to represent so many Marylanders who get to appreciate the beauty and rich history of the C&O Canal every day.

By reauthorizing the commission, we are showing that Congress values the investments in our Nation's natural resources.

I thank all Members from the C&O Canal region who support this legislation: Representatives Beyer, Connolly, Holmes Norton, Mooney, Raskin, and Wexton. I thank Natural Resources Committee Chair Westerman for moving this bill through committee with unanimous support and Chairwoman Dingell for her support.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``yes'' vote.

