Fixing New York City's Migrant Crisis

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LaLOTA. Mr. Speaker, sending Federal dollars to New York City to pay for hotels and other free stuff for migrants will only make New York's migrant crisis worse. That is why I have offered the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act.

My commonsense bill will provide that sanctuary jurisdictions like New York City that refuse to cooperate with Federal law enforcement such as ICE are ineligible for Federal funds intended to benefit such noncitizen aliens.

Mr. Speaker, the migrants aren't coming to New York City for the warm weather or the Broadway shows. The reason that migrants are coming to New York City, 10,000 per month, is for the sanctuary laws and all the free stuff--free hotels, free clothing, and free healthcare.

New York City Mayor Adams gives a heck of a lot of free stuff to migrants. Well, Mr. Speaker, it is not exactly free. It is all paid for by lawful citizens, hardworking taxpayers.

Just a few days ago, Mr. Speaker, it was revealed that New York City is giving out $53 million worth of credit cards to migrants.

New York City Democrats are literally incentivizing migrants to come to New York City and then feigning frustration when they do so. Worse, New York Governor Hochul is doubling down, offering $2.4 billion in her proposed budget to New York City to give more free stuff to migrants, while she proposes to cut funding from 44 Long Island School Districts.

It is these backwards, wrong, and self-defeating policy choices which will only make the migrant crisis worse. If we as a country want to secure the border and have cities without migrant crises, we need to remove the incentives which are causing it. No more free stuff.

Until New York repeals its shortsighted and self-defeating policies, which incentivize New York's migrant crisis, it should not be entitled to Federal funds for the migrant crisis its policies are creating.

