A Warning Against the Biden Administration's New Independent Contractor Rule

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 1, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KILEY. Mr. Speaker, the Department of Labor has announced a new independent contractor rule, which will cost millions of American jobs and be absolutely devastating for our workforce and our economy. We know that, because we have seen the effects of the law it was modeled on, AB 5, in California.

As a warning against the Biden administration's new rule, I am sharing the stories of Californians who have suffered under that law.

For example, Esther said: I help people who don't speak English communicate with medical providers. I am a proud senior, independent and self-sufficient. AB 5 leaves me out of work, unprotected, and isolated. It takes away my pride. It was passed without taking people like me into account.

To spare millions of Americans the same fate as Esther, I am calling on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me in Congressional Review Act legislation to nullify the Biden administration's new independent contractor rule.

