Enforcement of Border Security Laws

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 29, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LaLOTA. Mr. Speaker, Congress writes the laws, and the executive branch enforces them.

Let me say that again, Mr. Speaker. Congress writes the laws, and the executive branch enforces them.

At least that is what we teach our kids, and that has been the norm throughout our Nation's history. Yet President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have refused to enforce our Nation's border security laws.

Now, as House Republicans are poised to impeach Secretary Mayorkas for his willful and systematic refusal to enforce our Nation's border security laws, President Biden feigns that Congress must pass even more border security laws before he can act.

It is a sad attempt to shift blame, Mr. Speaker. If the President truly wanted to secure our border, by a stroke of a pen, he could reinstate remain in Mexico. President Biden could cancel the mass parole of unvetted migrants into the United States. He could cease repositioning border agents away from the border, and he could resume border wall construction.

But, Mr. Speaker, we know the President is not going to do that. The President should do that, and he should start today by enforcing our border security laws, but, sadly, he won't, and he should not be able to shift blame to anybody else.

