Denouncing the Biden Administration's Open-Borders Policies, Condemning the National Security and Public Safety Crisis Along the Southwest Border, and Urging President Biden to End His Administration's Open- Borders Policies

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 17, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLOUD. Mr. Speaker, if we were to ask the cartels to design a border security apparatus for the United States, it would look very much like the one the Biden administration has given us--just enough of the illusion of border security for them to be able to charge a hefty premium but not enough to actually stop their trafficking of humans and drugs into our country.

The truth is, the Biden administration has every single authority and more resources than the Trump administration had to secure the border, but they refuse to do so. They blame Texas. They blame us in Congress by saying they need more money.

As one Border Patrol agent I talked to just 2 weeks ago on the border said, it is like we are holding a bucket in front of an open fire hydrant, and they keep asking for more buckets. We need to cap the fire hydrant.

The problem from Congress' perspective is that we send over a check to the administration, and on the memo column, we put ``border security,'' but this administration has taken that check, cashed it, and used it to aid and abet cartels with human trafficking and drug trafficking into our country. We have to stop this.

Money that is set aside for natural disasters to help Americans through FEMA goes to help NGOs, this entire cottage industry where cartels bring migrants to our country. Our border security apparatus, along with NGOs and Federal taxpayer funding, is then used to transport them throughout the country, where many times the cartels pick up that relationship and keep migrants in indentured servitude and as sex slaves. We cannot continue to allow this to happen.

What is happening when we talk about processing who is coming across the border right now? Primarily, it is military-age single adults.

When our border security has to collapse to a processing center, it leaves hundreds of miles open. It is where we have what we call known got-aways and, even more dangerous, the unknown got-aways that are coming across our border.

We have no idea what is happening. We have to secure our border. It is a humanitarian issue. It is a national security issue.

