Denouncing the Biden Administration's Open-Borders Policies, Condemning the National Security and Public Safety Crisis Along the Southwest Border, and Urging President Biden to End His Administration's Open- Borders Policies

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 17, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. ESCOBAR. Mr. Speaker, I proudly represent El Paso, Texas, a border community, and I rise today in strong opposition to this resolution, which is nothing more than a collection of Republican talking points.

Let's be clear: Reforming our outdated immigration laws is our responsibility, a congressional responsibility, and it is our responsibility to do so in a way that actually works and doesn't sacrifice our values.

Some Republicans prefer to go on TV to complain, and others openly acknowledge they don't want a solution, including the Speaker of the House, who says he wants to wait until after the election.

To those who claim their unworkable Secure the Border Act is a solution, please read your bill. You will see that fundamental to it is that Mexico will accept every single migrant the U.S. sends to them. That has never happened. It will never happen. Therefore, H.R. 2 is nothing more than a fantasy for you all.


Ms. ESCOBAR. Mr. Speaker, for those Republicans who are tired of complaining and really want a solution, please join our bipartisan coalition, a coalition that worked on real solutions, legislative solutions. It is called the Dignity Act of 2023. It addresses the border and beyond and does it in a way that doesn't sacrifice our values. Please join us. Let's fix this together because we can.

