Providing for Consideration of H.R. Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of Providing for Consideration of H.R. Ensuring Accountability in Agency Rulemaking Act; and for Other Purposes

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 12, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. Like the gentlewoman, I spent my entire weekend in my district, and not one person came to me asking me to change the law on chocolate milk.

We have important work to do, Mr. Speaker, and I rise in support of taking action to end the gun violence epidemic.

This holiday season, there will be another 40,000 empty chairs at the dinner table because that is how many people died from gun violence in 2023.

We have had 636 mass shootings this year so far. We have had more mass shootings than days of the year. On one day in April, there were 11 mass shootings.

In America, the greatest country in the history of the world, guns are the leading cause of death for children and teenagers. American children face the daily threat of gun violence in schools, churches, temples, and mosques. They face the risk of gun violence in grocery stores, shopping centers, and in their own homes.

Instead of taking action to protect our kids from gun violence, House Republicans have used valuable floor time playing political games, and this week is just more of the same.

Recently, a House Republican colleague stood on this floor and begged for anyone in their party to come to the floor and name one accomplishment that the Republicans have been able to do that would allow people's lives to be made better.

There is an accomplishment in reach. Today, I call on Republicans to join Democrats and pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. Background checks are popular. They are supported by over 90 percent of the American people, including a majority of Republicans and even a majority of NRA members.

Mr. Speaker, background checks are effective. Every day, background checks stop more than 160 felons and more than 60 domestic abusers from getting a gun from a federally licensed dealer.


Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to oppose the previous question so we can pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, save lives, and help ensure that more American families never have to suffer the loss of a loved one.

